Supercharger Notice Period: Your 10% Annual Rewards Boost Explained.

16 Apr 2022, 09:00
📚 Supercharger Notice Period: Your 10% Annual Rewards Boost Explained 📚 Customer Support and our Community Managers have been fielding many similar questions about how the Supercharger Withdrawal Notice Period works. This explains how… Freeway Superchargers put you in control by allowing you to choose your Notice Period. That’s the amount of notice you give us before selling your Supercharger. The more time you give us, the more Annual Rewards we give you, up to a maximum of 10% for the full 30 days’ notice. You have 5 different Notice Periods with 5 different Annual Rewards levels. 0 Days Notice Period = 0% Annual Rewards Boost 3 Days Notice Period = 2.5% Annual Rewards Boost 7 Days Notice Period = 5% Annual Rewards Boost 15 Days Notice Period = 7.5% Annual Rewards Boost 30 Days Notice Period = 10% Annual Rewards Boost 👉 When you instruct us to sell your Supercharger, your order is locked in at the displayed rate and your Notice Period begins its countdown. Your order will be processed upon expiry of the Notice Period you selected. 👉 If you only sell part of your Supercharger, the remaining balance will continue to earn Annual Rewards as usual. Any other Superchargers you hold will also continue earning Annual Rewards. 👉 The Notice Period you choose will apply to all of your Superchargers. If you choose a 30-day Notice Period and add more Superchargers to your account, the 30-day period remains. If you change to the 0-day Notice Period, for example, then 0 days will apply to all of your Superchargers. ❓Here is a handy FAQ for future reference:❓🤔 Q) ❓Will I get rewards on Superchargers after choosing to sell? A) The Superchargers are no longer part of your Freeway balance and thus you will not earn rewards on them. You can still earn rewards on your remaining Superchargers. Q) ❓Does the Notice Period affect Supercharger swaps? A) You’re free to swap between Superchargers within the platform at any time regardless of your notice period. Q) ❓When can you change your Notice Period? A) You can change your Notice Period any time you like. The new bonus will reflect in your rewards the next day. Q) ❓I lowered my Notice Period to 3 days, clicked ‘sell’ and waited 3 days, but nothing happened! Why is that? A) This is because you have an existing (longer) notice period in place. Even if you’re able to change the period as often as you like, you are still bound to your previously made commitments: e.g. if on the 10th of January you started with a Notice Period of 15 days, you have committed to Freeway not processing your order until the 25th of January. Q) ❓Can I have different Notice Periods for different Superchargers/different notice periods for parts of my balance? A) This is currently not possible. Sorry! Q) ❓Annual Rewards are stated at 43%, but my daily rewards appear lower than that, why is that the case? A) On the 43% Superchargers, fully activated, users earn 0.098041% rewards per day. Some users when calculating their rewards annually use the following calculation: 0.098041 x 365 = 35.784965%. However, this calculation does not allow for the result of rewards compounding on rewards and only accounts for rewards on the initial Supercharger balance itself. When given the full 12-months necessary for compounding, rewards are 43% as stated.